Pastor Lando Almoite

Hi, Iā€™m Pastor Lando Carranza Almoite!

I have been pastoring for 11 years and teaching the Word of God. I am passionate for missions, especially in reaching small churches in the Philippines. I conduct small seminars in various places in the Philippines to training leaders to handle ministry of the Lord.

I finished secondary education, but did not enter into college due to a lack of finances. In 1987, I came to know the Lord, and I enrolled in Bible Training center. Today I had given an opportunity to continue my studies in Bible School. My hobbies are reading books and playing guitar. My dream for my family is to have them a better living. My children to finish their studies and for them to work also in the ministry just like me and my wife.

  • Name: Lando Carranza Almoite
    Age: 52
    Marital Status: Married
    Highest Educational Attainment: High School Graduate

  • Amalia Sayson Almoite, 60 (Wife)
    Marlon Almoite, 27 (Son)
    Allene Grace Almoite, 23 (Daughter)
    Zachary Almoite, 6 (Son)

About My Church

I pastor The Living Word of Faith Church. We are situated at Pangasinan, Philippines. We are a young church, with a total of about 100 people - half of which are youth, and the rest are either adults or children.

  • Name of Church: The Living Word of Faith Church
    Community Address: 2/F Soriano Bldg. Tabayoyong St. Manaoag, Pangasinan

    No. of members: 100
    Average Sunday Attendance: 60-80
    Adults: 43
    Youth: 50
    Children: 7


Pastor Marlon Mamaradlo


Pastor Jo Cris Rafael